Press images

A range of press photos is available for the exhibition “The Botticelli Renaissance”. The press releases are listed chronologically. The link below direct you to the press image page of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, where you are able to download the images you want, after registering.


The free-of-charge reproduction of these images is only permitted when they are featured as part of current press coverage on the exhibition and as long as the credit line is stated in full. For every other kind of use, the onus is on you to clear matters regarding copyright and right of use. The images provided here cannot be passed on to a third party. We kindly ask that the press images be deleted from all online media four weeks after the close of the exhibition. We also request to forward to us a copy of your outlet’s coverage on the exhibition. Please send copies to the Press Office, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin.


For any other form of use (for advertising or commercial purposes or in scholarly publications) please contact the photo agency bpk, the Berlin picture agency dedicated to art, culture, and history. For further information concerning the copyright please contact .


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